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周胜杰1,2,3, 于刚1,2,3, 马振华1,2,3
1.三亚热带水产研究院, 海南 三亚 572018;2.海南省深远海渔业资源高效利用与加工重点实验室, 海南 三亚 572018;3.中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所, 广东 广州 510300
为确定波纹唇鱼雌性亲鱼选育标准,了解形态性状与体质量的关系,筛选出主要生长性状。本研究开展了波纹唇鱼雌性亲鱼形态性状相关性分析、通径分析和回归分析。结果显示:波纹唇鱼雌性亲鱼体质量变异系数最大;各性状之间除头长X3与胸鳍长X6,X3与躯干长X11和眼径X5与腹鳍长X7相关性不显著,其余各性状间显著相关(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)相关;筛选出4个与体质量相关性最大的形态性状体长X2、体高X4、臀鳍长X8、尾长X12;直接作用最大的形态性状是X2,间接作用最大的形态性状是X4;直接决定系数最大的是形态性状X2,X2X4的间接决定系数最大;构建多元回归方程为Y =−3.402+0.016X2+0.453X4 0.091X8+0.041X12,且回归关系达极显著水平(P<0.01);4个与体质量相关性最大的形态性状中,单一性状10种曲线模型拟合结果均达极显著水平(P<0.01)。研究结果表明,在实际生产中,波纹唇鱼雌性亲鱼应以体质量为主选方向,以体长(X2)为主选指标,以体高(X4)、臀鳍长(X8)和尾长(X12)为辅助选择指标。本研究可为波纹唇鱼雌性亲鱼选育提供数据参考。
关键词:  波纹唇鱼  通径分析  形态性状  体质量
Path analysis of female parents of Cheilinus undulatus
ZHOU Sheng-jie1,2,3, YU Gang1,2,3, MA Zhen-hua1,2,3
1.Sanya Tropical Fisheries Research Institute, Sanya 572018, China;2.Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization and Processing of Marine Fishery Resources of Hainan Province, Sanya 572018, China;3.South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou 510300, China
The purpose of this study was to determine the breeding criteria for female parents of Cheilinus undulatus, understand the relationship between morphological traits and body weight, and screen out the main growth traits. Correlation, path, and regression analyses were conducted for the morphological traits of the female parents of C. undulatus. The results showed that the coefficient of variation in body weight for female C. undulatus was the highest. No significant or highly significant correlations were detected between the traits, except X3 and X6, X3 and X11, and X5 and X7. Four morphological traits (X2, X4, X8, and X12) that were most correlated with body weight were screened out. The morphological trait with the largest direct effect was X2, and the morphological trait with the largest indirect effect was X4. The direct coefficient of determination for morphological character X2 was the largest, and the indirect coefficient of determination for X2X4was the largest. The multiple regression equation was Y = −3.402+0.016X2+0.453X4− 0.091X8+0.041X12, and the regression relationship was highly significant (P<0.01). Among the four morphological traits with the greatest correlation with body weight, the results of 10 curve models for a single trait all reached a highly significant level (P<0.01). These results indicate that body weight, body length (X2), body height (X4), anal fin length (X8), and tail length (X12) should be used in the selection of female parents during practical production. This study provides a data reference for breeding female parents of C. undulatus.
Key words:  Cheilinus undulates  path analysis  morphological traits  body weight
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