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郑年昊1, 孙铭2, 姚琳琳2, 荆圆圆2, 张天文2, 胡凡光2, 王兴强1, 刘广斌2
1.江苏海洋大学海洋生命与水产学院, 江苏 连云港 222005;2.山东省海洋科学研究院, 山东 青岛 266104
研究两种硒化物在文蛤富集、排出镉过程中的作用,对文蛤进行转录组测序,并进行生物信息学分析,以探讨硒化物对Cd2+代谢相关机制。硒化卡拉胶组和亚硒酸钠组共产出587 855条高质量reads。基因本体分析功能注释到15 380条unigenes,KEGG通路注释到18 866条unigenes。差异基因主要富集到肌球蛋白复合物(myosin complex)、离子通道抑制(ion channel suppression)等基因本体分析功能中。差异基因KEGG通路富集显示,在嘌呤代谢(purine metabolism)、ECM受体相互作用(extracellular matrix receptor interaction)、硒化合物代谢(metabolism of selenium compounds)等通路显著富集。从结果分析Cd2+可以使文蛤体内蛋白转录修饰出现异常;有机硒可以通过调控金属离子通道活性来排出细胞内的Cd2+;无机硒主要作用于文蛤细胞表面,增强其表面活性抵御Cd2+进入细胞;差异基因KEGG注释结果表明有机硒与无机硒在文蛤重金属代谢中作用机制以及途径不相同。
关键词:  文蛤  硒化卡拉胶  亚硒酸钠  转录组分析  差异基因表达
Transcriptomics analysis of the role of selenide in the response to cadmium stress in Meretrix meretrix
ZHENG Nianhao1, SUN Ming2, YAO Linlin2, JING Yuanyuan2, ZHANG Tianwen2, HU Fanguang2, WANG Xingqiang1, LIU Guangbin2
1.College of Marine Life and Fisheries, Jiangsu Ocean University, Lianyungang 222005, China;2.Marine Sciences Research Institute on Shan Dong Province, Qingdao 266104, China
Meretrix meretrix transcriptome was sequenced, and bioinformatics analysis was performed to explore the mechanism of selenium (Se) on cadmium (Cd2+) metabolism. The clams were first exposed to CdCl2 for 3 d, followed by a depuration of 4 d. In depuration period, clams were divided into control, selenocarrageenan, and sodium selenite groups. A total of 587, 855 high-quality reads were obtained from the selenocarrageenan and sodium selenite groups. Overall, 15, 380 unigenes were annotated by Gene Ontology (GO), and 18, 866 unigenes were annotated by the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway. GO enrichment revealed that differentially expressed genes were mainly enriched in myosin complex, ion channel suppression, etc. KEGG pathway enrichment revealed ribosome biosynthesis in eukaryotes, purine metabolism, ECM receptor interaction, protein digestion and absorption, phagosome, and metabolism of Se compounds. Thus, Cd2+ can cause abnormal protein transcription modification in M. meretrix. Moreover, organic Se can excrete cadmium in cells by regulating the activity of metal ion channels. Inorganic Se mainly acts on the surface of clam cells and enhances its surface activity to resist the Cd2+ entering the cell, conducive to the discharge of heavy metals. Simultaneously, the difference in gene KEGG annotation results also proves that organic Se and inorganic Se have different mechanisms and pathways in the metabolism of heavy metals in clams.
Key words:  Meretrix meretrix  selenium carrageenan  sodium selenite  transcriptome analysis  differential gene expression
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