Volume 30,Issue 3,2006 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Experiment and Technology

In-situ answering pore pressure under wave and its application to stability analysis of silty seabed
  陈 静,冯秀丽,林 霖
  Abstract(1550)  View PDF(2155)
The project of mass productive early propagation of Plectorhinchus cinctus
  张才学,陈海龙,唐 彪
  Abstract(1806)  View PDF(2190)
Sediment-water fluxes of nutrients in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea
  戚晓红,刘素美,张 经
  Abstract(1704)  View PDF(2175)
BP Neural network approach in the prediction of copper and copper alloy corrosion in seawater
  邓春龙,李文军,孙明先,郭为民,刘 伟
  Abstract(1666)  View PDF(2489)


Investigation and assessment of water quality in Lutanwetland in Macao
  梁海含,林小涛,梁 华,潘剑雄,杨健一
  Abstract(1659)  View PDF(2537)
The density and species number changes of zooplanktons in abalone cultured ponds during the winter
  Abstract(1770)  View PDF(2178)
Low regime of flow coming to the Yellow River estuary in the recent years and its causes of formation
  Abstract(1549)  View PDF(3884)
Regional geological tourism resources and their science value in Shenhu Bay, Fujian
  Abstract(2244)  View PDF(1984)
A primary study on the distribution and pollution of heavy metals in the surficial sediments of Zhelin Bay
  Abstract(1537)  View PDF(1790)
Inhibitory effects of amino acids on the β-N-Acetyl-D-Gluco-saminidase from prawn(Litopenaeus vannamei)
  谢晓兰,王 悦,陈清西
  Abstract(1751)  View PDF(2384)


Cytogenetics study on hybridization between summer flounder and left-eyed flounder
  尤 锋,徐世宏,许建和,徐冬冬,马道远,张培军,李 军
  Abstract(1757)  View PDF(2351)
Purification and characterization of recombinant allophycoc-yanin(rAPC) expressed in a recombinant Escherichia coli P1
  唐志红,李富超,吴少杰,葛保胜,林 凡,任育红,秦 松
  Abstract(2114)  View PDF(2055)
Grain size characteristics of sediments in Bohai Bay during Holocene
  Abstract(1594)  View PDF(2228)


Advance in the research on mid-ocean ridges
  Abstract(1444)  View PDF(4289)
A review of geochemistry of gas hydrate of marine
  Abstract(1519)  View PDF(2471)
Advance in male-attractants from Phaeophyta
  Abstract(1357)  View PDF(2655)

Science scope

Progress of chitosan on sustained drug delivery
  Abstract(1440)  View PDF(5314)
Role of reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs) and nitric oxide synthase in disease resistance of maricultured organisms
  Abstract(1520)  View PDF(2915)


The antibacterial activity of phlorotannins from Sargassum thunbergii Kuntzze
  林 超,于曙光,郭道森,魏玉西,艾桂花
  Abstract(1733)  View PDF(2731)
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