Volume 40,Issue 9,2016 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  


On the research and model application of swell dissipation — progress and problems
  Bi Fan and song jinbao
  Abstract(796)  View PDF(686)


  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1022)  View PDF(1292)
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1082)  View PDF(901)


Molecular cloning and expression of the retinoid X receptor gene in Argopecten irradians
  ZHANG Rui, QUE Hua-yong, CONG Ri-hao, LI Li and ZHANG Guo-fan
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1495)  View PDF(1494)
Analysis of seven immune-related genes in selective second filial families (F2) of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
  TIAN Yue-qiang, GUO Jian-li, HUANG Zhi-hui, MA Ai-jun, WANG Xin-an, YANG Zhi and QU Jiang-bo
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1996)  View PDF(1234)
Species identification of three Pteria species based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene
  LIU Guo-qiang, LIU Rui, WEI Chun-lei and ZHANG Chun-hua
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1278)  View PDF(1396)
Full-length cDNA cloning and expression analysis of vitellogenin gene in Mugilogobius chulae
  YU Lu-jun, CAI Lei, LI Ge, CHEN Xiao-qu, CHEN Lin and LI Jian-jun
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(2075)  View PDF(1337)
Preliminary study on growth and gonadal development of reared under different photoperiods
  ZHU Fei, ZHANG Zhi-yong, XU Xian-ming, ZHANG Zhi-wei, CHEN Shu-yin and JIA Chao-feng
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1728)  View PDF(1660)
DNA barcoding analysis and taxonomic significance of the marine nematode Oncholaimus sinensis
  SUN Jing and HUANG Yong
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1472)  View PDF(1239)
Comparison and analysis of umami substances of four Meretrix meretrix populations
  WANG Chao, CHEN Ai-hua, YAO Guo-xing, CAO Yi, WU Yang-ping, ZHANG Yu and CAI Yong-xiang
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(2156)  View PDF(2345)
Comparison of macrofaunal communities in wetlands of three kinds of artificial mangroves in Shantou
  TANG Yi-jie, CHEN Si-min, FANG Zhan-qiang, LUO Li-fen, CHEN Xiao-fen, HUANG Hui-juan and LU Di1
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1908)  View PDF(1600)
Characteristics of the phytoplankton community in spring and autumn in the sea area around the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, China
  SU Li, HUANG Zi-rong, XU Shan-nan and CHEN Zuo-zhi
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1799)  View PDF(1206)
Factors influencing dispersant effectiveness and particle size distribution
  ZHANG Xin-xin, YU Yue, HE Shan, XIONG De-qi, JIANG Ling-ling and ZHU Rui
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1599)  View PDF(2436)
Sea ice thickness in the Sanggou Bay retrieved from satellite observations
  GU Hong-qin, BI Hai-bo and HUANG Hai-jun
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1725)  View PDF(2045)
Characteristics of the spatial pattern of reclamation in Yancheng over the past 30 years
  KANG Min and SHEN Yong-ming
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1909)  View PDF(1623)
New discovery of larger seagrass beds with areas > 50 ha in temperate waters of China: An unusual large seagrass (Zostera japonica) bed in the Yellow River estuary
  ZHOU Yi1, ZHANG Xiao-mei1, 2, XU Shao-chun1, 2, SONG Xiao-yueLIN Hai-ying3, WANG Peng-mei1, 2, GU Rui-ting, ZHANG Xiao-mei, XU Shao-chun, SONG Xiao-yue, LIN Hai-ying, WANG Peng-mei and GU Rui-ting
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1756)  View PDF(1827)
Geochemical partition of surface sediments in the seas near the modern Yellow River Delta
  ZHAO Yu-ling, FENG Xiu-li, SONG Sheng and TIAN Dong-hui
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1886)  View PDF(1557)


Spatio-temporal characteristics and scenario analysis of land-use change in the Beibu Gulf Economic Rim coastal area, China
  SU Hong-fan, HOU Xi-yong and DI Xiang-hong
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1967)  View PDF(2410)
Establishment and weight quantification of indicator system for marine disaster coping capacity assessment
  LI Jian, FANG Wei-hua, GUO Zhi-xing, JIA Hui-cong, YANG Yang, ZHAO Ming-li, GUAN Qin-le, LI Ge, LI Yi and CAI Da-hao
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1982)  View PDF(1466)


Progress and problems in the research and model application of swell dissipation
  BI Fan and SONG Jin-bao
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1505)  View PDF(1833)
Review of application of artificial substrates in shrimp culture
  ZHANG Jia-song, CHEN Liang-liang, FENG Zhen-hua, DUAN Ya-fei, DONG Hong-biao, LI Hua and LIU Qing-song1
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(2050)  View PDF(1481)
Progress in research on HFSWR target detection under a background of sea clutter
  WANG Yi-ming, ZHANG Jie, JI Yong-gang and MAO Xing-peng
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(1599)  View PDF(2060)
The research progress of water-soluble polysaccharides from green alga
  LI Sha-lan, HONG Liang, LI Cheng-bo and LIU Chen-guang
  Published 9月 15日, 2016
  Abstract(2340)  View PDF(3594)
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