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王西西1, 曲长凤1,2, 王文宇1, 安美玲1, 缪锦来1,2
1.国家海洋局 第一海洋研究所;2.海洋国家实验室 海洋药物与生物制品功能实验室
塑料垃圾通过各种途径进入海洋, 海洋塑料污染已成为全球性环境问题。本文系统总结了国内外塑料污染的研究历程与现状, 发现直接或者间接来源的微塑料在环境中广泛积累, 呈全球化分布趋势; 重点探讨了我国微塑料的来源、分布以及污染形势和生态影响, 发现我国微塑料污染形势严峻, 覆盖范围广泛, 甚至涉及食品安全领域。塑料的生物降解是受到高度关注的研究领域, 本文通过对微塑料的生物降解途径的归纳, 总结了塑料降解的过程、生物种类以及相关的降解酶等, 以期为海洋微塑料污染的治理提供启示。目前微塑料污染已经引起世界各国的广泛关注, 但对海洋环境中微塑料的鉴定以及污染物消除技术等研究极少, 迫切需要开展相关研究工作。
关键词:  微塑料  塑料污染  海洋生态环境  生物降解  生物酶
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41576187); 山东省重点研发计划(2018GHY115034; 2016YYSP017; 2016ZDJS06A03; 2017GHY15112);国家自然科学基金-山东省海洋科学研究中心联合资助项目(U1606403);青岛市创业创新领军人才计划(15-10-3-15-(44)-zch)
Research Status and Prospects of Marine Microplastics Contamination in the Chinese Oceans
WANG Xi-xi,QU Chang-feng,WANG Wen-yu,AN Mei-ling,MIAO Jin-lai
Plastic garbage enters into oceans in a variety of ways, and marine plastic pollution has become a global environmental problem. In this paper, we systematically summarize the research approaches and current situation regarding global plastic pollution and its ecological impact. Microplastics have been found to be widely distributed throughout the marine environment. The situation in China is grim and covers a wide range, even into the field of food safety. The development of biodegradable plastics is an important pathway for eliminating plastic pollution. In this paper, we summarize the processes of plastic degradation, the species of organisms used, and related degrading enzymes. This study will ultimately enhance our understanding of microplastic pollution, which has attracted a great amount of public attention. However, as yet, there has been scant research on the identification and degradation of plastics in the marine environment and there is an urgent need for this research work.
Key words:  microplastics  plastic pollution  marine ecological environment  biodegradation  biological enzymes
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