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陈雅琦, 梁健, 郭永军, 李永仁
天津农学院水产学院, 天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室, 天津 300384
关键词:  硬壳蛤  形态性状  体质量  相关性分析  通径分析
Correlation and path analysis between morphological traits and body weight, soft body weight, and plumpness of Mercenaria mercenaria
CHEN Ya-qi, LIANG Jian, GUO Yong-jun, LI Yong-ren
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Aqua-ecology and Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China
To study the effects of morphological traits of Mercenaria mercenaria on Y, Y1, and K, the shell length, shell width, shell height, weight, and soft weight of Mercenaria mercenaria were measured. Furthermore, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis were conducted. The results demonstrated that the largest coefficient of variation was weight, the largest correlation coefficient between morphological traits and weight was shell width (0.970), the largest correlation coefficient with soft weight was shell length (0.946), and the largest correlation coefficient with plumpness was shell length (0.203). The most direct effect of morphological traits on weight was, namely, shell width (0.145), shell length (1.113), and shell length (1.752). The multiple regression equation between morphological traits and weight was Y = -46.359 + 0.288 X1 + 1.723 X2 + 0.640 X3, R2 = 0.949; the multiple regression equation with soft weight is Y1 = -6.607 + 0.301 X1 + 0.157 X2 - 0.161 X3, R2 = 0.901; the multiple regression equation with plumpness is K = 3.159 + 0.001 173 X1 + 0.008 X2 - 0.179 X3, R2 = 0.072. Shell width was found to be the principal factor affecting the weight of Mercenaria mercenaria, whereas shell length was determined as the chief factor affecting the soft weight of Mercenaria mercenaria. The regression relationship between morphological traits and plumpness was not found to be significant, and there were substantial differences in plumpness among individuals. The research concluded that results can be used as a reference for case studies in variety breeding and seedling breeding of Mercenaria mercenaria.
Key words:  Mercenaria mercenaria  morphological traits  weight  correlation analysis  path analysis
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