Volume 35,Issue 9,2011 Table of Contents

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  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(1605)  View PDF(1945)


Microzooplankton grazing rate of size-fractionated phytoplankton in spring in the Yellow Sea, China
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(1853)  View PDF(2657)
Community structure of netz-phytoplankton in northern South China Sea in winter, 2009
  马 威,孙 军,田 伟
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2268)  View PDF(2484)
Effects of temperature and light on photosynthesis of Ulva pertusa
  潘光华,高 山,王广策,解修俊
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2085)  View PDF(3259)
Cloning and preliminary functional analysis of ATPase alpha subunit gene promoter from Dunaliella salina
  谷辉辉,冯书营,潘卫东,李 杰,薛乐勋
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2016)  View PDF(3096)
Vertical characteristics and diel variations of femtoplankton and picoplankton at the Changjiang Estuary
  李 云,李道季,张利华,孔定江,方 涛
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2536)  View PDF(2316)
Distribution of heavy metals speciation and pollution in surface sediment from typical ecologically regions of Yantai coastal zone
  孙启耀,宋建国,高彦博,陈 静,盛彦清
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2313)  View PDF(2323)
TaqMan-MGB probe real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR for rapid detection of taura syndrome virus in shrimps
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2069)  View PDF(2891)
The effect of initial pH on hydrogen production of microbial community from marine environment
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(1919)  View PDF(2632)
Optimization of prokaryotic expression of the CYP4 gene of Chinese shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis)
  张 喆,李 健,王 芸,韩俊英
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2032)  View PDF(3020)
Distribution of nutrients and eutrophication assessment in Tianjin Coastal Area
  王晓宇,杨红生,孙金生,王 清
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2380)  View PDF(3560)
Pond aquaculture mode based on the water quality manipulation system with Neanthes glandicincta and Gracilaria tenuistipitata
  林更铭,项 鹏,杨清良
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2223)  View PDF(2945)
Observation of embryonic development of Acanthopagrus schlegelii
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2171)  View PDF(5674)
Optimal design of an inductively coupled link system for underwater communication
  杨 磊,杨灿军,吴世军,谢延青
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2269)  View PDF(4502)
Land subsidence in the modern Yellow River Delta and its impacts upon its evolvement
  杜廷芹,黄海军,别 君
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2168)  View PDF(2651)
Modeling the suspended sediment content in Sheyang Estuary based on hyperspectral data
  潘 洁,张 鹰,谭子辉
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2269)  View PDF(2525)
Effects of typhoon on methane production potential from the Minjiang River Estuaty wetland soil
  王维奇,王 纯
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(1808)  View PDF(2371)


The steepness distributions and break of individual waves in wave groups
  高志一,文 凡,李 洁
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2291)  View PDF(2737)


Progress in application of lipid biomarkers in mangrove wetland sediment
  白 羊,严重玲,薛 博,卢豪良,谢 峰
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2385)  View PDF(3142)
History, status and future of oyster culture in Fujian China
  曾志南,宁 岳
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2073)  View PDF(4817)
Laboratory culture of marine oligotrich ciliates
  于 莹,张武昌,许恒龙,肖 天
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(2004)  View PDF(2896)


《海洋与湖沼》2011 年第3 期论文导读
  Published 9月 15日, 2011
  Abstract(1767)  View PDF(1732)
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